When you don't know much about a topic, Wikipedia is a great place to start for a couple of reasons:
1. You can read an overview of the topic to learn more and even narrow down a few keywords.
2. You can follow the references at the bottom of the page to find useable resources.
Wikipedia is not a valid source for research. You should never have it in your bibliography.
And - for example: software AND engineer (note that a space between words also accomplishes this) will contain results with both terms
Or - for example: industry OR workforce will contain results on industry, workforce, or both
Not - for example: library NOT public (note that the - key also accomplishes this) will exclude public in the results
" " - for example: "culinary program" will only contain results with the exact phrase
* - for example: manag* will contain results including manage, manager, managing, management, etc.
How do I find the best information for my research purpose?