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The information on this page should answer your questions about the library's resources for Nursing students. If you find that you still have questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to your liaison librarian, Nicole Breed.

How do I log in to Lippincott (Advisor or Procedures)?

At the beginning of your first semester in the Nursing program, you will receive an email from Nic Ashman,  If you register late, you may have to send Nic an email to get you set up. Within this email you will find instructions for logging into your Lippincott account. Please note that your username is the same as your CVTC username (if your username is shorter than 5 characters, please add an @ symbol at the end).  Nic will include a temporary password that you will need to change, after your initial login.  DO NOT change your username or ID, as you may find yourself unable to log back in.

*If you misplaced the email, or forget your password, please use an internet browser to login (hint, the links are on the first page of this course guide) and select the Forgot username or password? link on the login screen.  This is NOT something you can do in the mobile apps.  

How do I log in to UpToDate?

You will need to set up your account on campus in order to access UpToDate. Navigate to UpToDate, then select Register. Enter your information - be sure to use your CVTC email, username, and password for ease of access. For "Speciality" and "Role" you can select Other. Click Submit Registration and you're ready to use UpToDate!

*If you forget your password, click Log In then Forgot username or password and enter your CVTC email address.

Note that you will have general access to Lippincott and UpToDate while on campus. You will be required to log in if you are off campus.

620 West Clairemont Avenue
715-833-6285 |