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Cite Sources

This guide was created to provide basic instruction on commonly-used citation styles used across CVTC educational programs and courses.

Citing Artificial Intelligence

Always confirm with your instructor whether AI tools like ChatGPT are allowed for each assignment.  Consult your instructor and your syllabus for guidance on class policies regarding using, quoting, and citing generative AI.

Some possible examples of how you might use generative AI include:

  • citing or referencing in the text or list of references
  • inclusion in your methodology
  • an appendix including a full transcript of any prompts and AI-generated responses
  • Always verify information and sources generated by AI tools
    • AI has been known to generate false information and to cite non-existent sources
    • AI-generated text mines people's intellectual property without crediting them, which raises ethical concerns
  • Content from AI tools like ChatGPT is usually nonrecoverable, so it cannot be retrieved or linked in your citation and should be cited as personal communication
  • Personal communication receives an in-text citation but does not appear on the list of references
  • Some of this guidance may be updated as recommendations evolve

Whichever citation style you use, you need to cite sources that contributed to your ideas, written work, images, video or other products you create. That means including:

  • ChatBot or generative AI website
  • date or version of the model
  • prompt used

Citing Generative AI in APA Style

Guidance from the APA on how to cite generative AI in APA format

Currently, APA recommends that text generated from AI be formatted as "Personal Communication." As such, it receives an in-text citation but not an entry on the References list.

Rule: (Communicator, personal communication, Month Date, Year)


(OpenAI, personal communication, January 16, 2023).

When asked to explain psychology's main schools of thought, OpenAI's ChatGPT's response included ... (personal communication, February 22, 2023).

Citing Generative AI in MLA Style

The Modern Language Association provides detailed guidance on citing generative AI according to their template.

Citing Generative AI in Chicago Style

Guidance on how to cite generative AI in Chicago Style format

The Chicago Manual of Style recommends that you cite the generative AI tool as a footnote but not list it in a bibliography, treating the exchange like a personal communication.

Chicago Style with footnotes

Personal communications are cited in a footnote, but are not listed in the bibliography.

Rule: Number.Originator of the communication, medium, Day Month, Year.

Example: 1 OpenAI's ChatGPT AI language model, response to question from author, 7 February, 2023.   

Shortened note rule: NumberCorrespondent's last name, medium

Example1 ChatGPT, response to prompt from author

Chicago Author-Date

Personal communications are cited within the text, but are not listed in the reference list.

Rule: (Correspondent's Full Name, medium if relevant, Month Day, Year)

Example: (OpenAI's ChatGPT, response to prompt from author, February 22, 2023)

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