The CVTC Library is home to a host of collections, ranging from peer-reviewed journals to popular literature, DVDs, games and equipment, and we are also a member of the MORE Consortium. Need help searching the collections? Visit the main desk or contact the library at
The Chippewa Valley Technical College Library supports students in over 65 different academic program areas, including business management, nursing, child care services, and more. Students and employees can request library materials from any of the libraries to be delivered to CVTC, or they can request CVTC library materials to be delivered to any of the MORE public libraries. Users can search the online catalog to find materials at any MORE-member library.
In addition, CVTC students and employees can work with public library staff to enable access to one of the largest shared collections in the world with resources such as Wisconsin's Digital Library.
CVTC Library shares materials with 55 libraries in the MORE library system. Benefits of the MORE library system include: