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Evidence-Based Practice

Tips for Finding EBP

Use CVTC's databases to narrow your search

Use "controlled vocabulary"

Use limiters in databases - peer reviewed/scholarly, date, academic journals, subject, etc.

What is Evidence-Based Practice (EBP)?

Utilizing the best available research to guide decision making for an improved outcome

Watch the video below for an overview of searching CVTC's databases to find evidence-based practice materials

Additional Resources

Evidence-Based Practice - Rush University Medical Center Library

Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) - American Speech-Language-Hearing Association

Evidence-based Practices - National Institute of Corrections

Evidence-Based Practice, Step by Step: Searching for the Evidence - American Journal of Nursing

"What is Evidence-Based Practice?"Brief Treatment & Crisis Intervention (article)

Helpful EBP Terms

All of these keywords can help when searching for Evidence-Based Practice

  • Trends
  • Changes (in practice)
  • Differences
  • Reform
  • Support

Emergency Medical Services: Evidence-Based Practice