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About Us

Learn how to access services, student and permanent employment opportunities,staff, library policies and much more!

Borrowing Privileges

All CVTC students, faculty, and staff are automatically registered as library users and remain current while enrolled in classes or employed at CVTC. Students and employees are also automatically registered as library users at all MORE libraries in west-central Wisconsin. You may use your CVTC ID as a library card at any of the MORE member libraries. Individual library policies may vary on ID requirements; we recommend bringing along your CVTC ID card, or showing your online library card with the MORE library app, to any library for which you plan to check out materials. For a current list of MORE member libraries, visit the MORE website.

Community members, alumni, and former CVTC students are able to check out or request most items from the CVTC library using their MORE card unless they are student-funded. Student-funded materials include gaming consoles, laptops, and iPads.

Checkout Length

Materials owned by CVTC Library have varying checkout lengths depending on the type of material, ranging from 2 hours to semester-long. Checkout lengths are determined by demand, availability, or price. 

Materials owned by our partner MORE member libraries have varying checkout lengths depending on the individual library policies and procedures. The loan length will be communicated at the time of checkout.


Holds may be placed on most library materials, including technology such as laptops and iPads. Holds cannot be placed on non-circulating items. Once a hold item becomes available you will receive an email to your CVTC or MORE-affiliated email address notifying you that the hold is available. Once a hold is available you will have 7 days to pick up the material. If an item is not picked up within 7 days, the hold will be canceled and provided to the next person on the hold list. Holds are not guaranteed and can vary based on item availability. 

Interlibrary Loan

The CVTC Library provides Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service for its current students and faculty to provide access to materials not held at CVTC or a MORE member library. Loan length and overdue fines for interlibrary loans vary depending on the lending library. Once an interlibrary loan item you requested becomes available you will receive a notification sent to your CVTC or MORE-affiliated email address. Similar to holds, you will have 7 days to pick-up the item before it is returned back to the lending library. 

Community/MORE Member Access

Community and MORE member library users are able to request holdable items from CVTC to be delivered to their home library or pick-up items from other libraries at CVTC. Members may also place holds and check out materials from the CVTC library. Student-funded technology including laptops, iPads, and gaming consoles are not eligible for community checkout. 

Chippewa Valley Technical College Library

620 West Clairemont Avenue, Eau Claire, WI
715-833-6285 |
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